With more than 28 years of experience in delivering aged care services to local Chinese elderly, Victorian Elderly Chinese Hostel strives to provide excellent culturally specific consumer-centred care and services to ensure the elderly are able to live the best life they can in a homelike environment.
Consumer-Centred Care
Consumer-centred care is widely recognized as a foundation to safe, high-quality healthcare. It is care that is respectful of, and responsive to, the preferences, needs and values of the individual.
​​At VECH, our approach to deliver consumer-centred care includes:
Actively involving consumers and their families in the decision-making process when planning care and treatment
Respecting individual preferences and diversity
Recognizing consumer needs and respecting their dignity, privacy, choices, and independence
Respecting and upholding their right to comment, ask questions and make complaints

Professional Clinical Care Team
Our dedicated and professional clinical care team will ensure consumers receive care and services aligned with their individualized care needs.​
We have bi-lingual registered nurses with great clinical expertise on site 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
General practitioners visit the facility on a weekly basis and are on call when needed. Consumers can choose the GP, whether you prefer a female doctor or male doctor. All our doctors are effectively bi- or tri-lingual.
Medical Specialists such as Geriatrician, Speech pathologists , dietitians, visit the facility regularly to provide consultation and offer treatment to those requiring it. The Specialists work closely with the GPs who are familiar with the consumers' medical history.
A physiotherapist is on site daily to provide ongoing treatments including chronic pain management, massage and daily exercise.
Asian Cuisine
We provide a variety of nutritional Chinese cuisines, prepared freshly on-site daily taking into account consumers’ diets and special dietary requirements. There are three main meals a meal plus morning and afternoon tea, and supper. Consumers may opt to dine at the dining room with others or in their own rooms.

Chinese Lifestyle Activities
We have a robust daily lifestyle programme with ample choices for consumers to choose from, be it mahjong, cooking, gardening, Chinese chess, daily group exercises, etc. Cultural festivals and special events such as birthdays are celebrated all year round. All residents regardless of their physical and cognitive status are encouraged to participate in such activities aimed at maintaining their independence and promoting social interaction and individual well-being.